
Living with dementia, or being a carer for someone with dementia can be challenging, but I can help you with the following areas:

Keeping Active is so important

Keeping Active is so important

1.    I can help you to be able to wash and dress yourself by breaking down the task into manageable tasks, look at specific ways to wash and dress, and look at possible aids or adaptations to enable you to manage without the need for carers.

2.    When carers are required, I can help to complete an assessment of needs to ensure that the care provision meets your needs.

3.    I can complete feeding assessments and explore ways to maintain independence with these activities.

4.    I can provide you with an exercise program to help maintain your hand function, mobility and transfers

5.    I can help you to adjust to life following your diagnosis of dementia, and help you to manage your emotions. I can teach you simple coping strategies, to help you manage everyday activities, and get you motivated to do what is important to you.

6.    I can help you to carry on with your hobbies and interests, and even find new social activities in the local community.

7.    I can help you feel safe to be alone in your home. I can assess for safety hazards, and suggest possible equipment, adaptations or Telecare devices such as pendant alarms.

8.    I am a Dementia Friend

Treatment areas covered include: 

·      Cognitive assessment

·      Memory aids

·      Telecare product information

·      Personal care assessment

·      Home environment assessment

·      Transfers

·      Moving and handling

·      Seating

·      Falls management

·      Anxiety management

·      Joint work with Dementia UK and Alzheimers UK