Stroke Rehabilitation
As your Occupational Therapist, I will help you to live as independently as possible after having your stroke.
1. I can help you to be able to wash and dress yourself by breaking down the task into manageable tasks, look at specific ways to dress your affected side, and look at possible aids or adaptations to enable you to manage without the need for carers.
2. I can provide you with an exercise and sensory program to improve hand and arm function, reviewing the use of splints if appropriate.
3. I can assess for and treat apraxia.
4. I can help you to adjust to life after a stroke, and help you to manage your emotions. I can teach you simple coping strategies, to help you manage your fatigue, or feelings of helplessness, and get you motivated to do what is important to you.
5. I can help you to carry on with your hobbies and interests, and even find new social activities in the local community.
6. I can help you feel confident to be alone in your home. I can assess for safety hazards, and suggest possible equipment, adaptations or Telecare devices such as pendant alarms.
7. I can help you to return to work by assessing your current skills and abilities, and looking at how they match your job role. I can help to arrange a graded return to work, or look for an alternative career.
8. I can help you to return to driving by carrying out a cognitive assessment, and exploring different adaptations which can be carried out to your vehicle. I can then refer for a driving assessment if appropriate.
Treatment areas covered include:
· Upper limb exercise program
· Constraint induced movement therapy
· Mirror box
· Sensory program
· Cognitive Assessment
· Perceptual skills training
· Visual assessment
· Personal care assessment
· Kitchen assessment
· Home Environment assessment
· Transfers
· Moving and Handling
· Seating
· Fatigue management
· Driving assessment advice
· Graded return to work
· Community access
· Joint work with local support groups