Motor Neurone Disease and other rapidly progressive neurological conditions

Following your diagnosis of MND, or other rapidly progressing neurological conditions, the world can suddenly feel very daunting and confusing. Due to the varied progression of the conditions, situations and abilities can change on a regular basis, and you need to feel that you have the support to manage this. 


1.    I can help you to be able to wash and dress yourself by breaking down the task into manageable tasks, look at specific ways to wash and dress yourself, and look at possible aids or adaptations to enable you to manage without the need for carers.

2.    I can provide you with an exercise program to keep you managing the activities which are important to you.  

3.    I can assess for and recommend possible splinting.  

4.    I can advise regarding moving and handling equipment, and possible major adaptations to the home environment

5.    I can complete a feeding assessment and look at ways to manage this activity

6.    I can help you to adjust to life following your diagnosis, and help you to manage your emotions. I can teach you simple coping strategies, to help you manage your fatigue, or feelings of helplessness, and get you motivated to do what is important to you.

7.    I can help you to carry on with your hobbies and interests, and even find new social activities in the local community.

8.    I can refer to environmental controls services to explore ways to enable you to maintain control of your home environment – including use of computer, operating the TV or telephone, adjusting your bed etc.

9.    I will provide regular reviews and can liaise with local Hospice’s to ensure there is good joint working

Treatment areas covered include: 

·      Work place assessment

·      Home environment assessment

·      Personal care assessment

·      Kitchen assessment

·      Feeding assessment

·      Transfers

·      Moving and handling

·      Seating

·      Falls management

·      Regular reviews

·      Liaison with local support groups