
Spinal Injuries

Mr D had been discharged home following his admission at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. He was set up for downstairs living, and required the use of a hoist to get from his bed to his wheelchair, and then spent the majority of the day sitting in his electric powered wheelchair. He was dependent on his carers for all aspects of his personal care, domestic activities of daily living, feeding and drinking, turning on the TV, and answering the phone.

We worked on his upper limb function within every day activities. We also practiced transfers from bed, chair, stair lift and shower, using a variety of smaller aids and equipment. We explored his ability to manage tasks such as getting drinks and snacks from the kitchen, and basic meal preparation. We also discussed return to driving and a referral was completed for HADs (Hertfordshire Action on Disability).

Following Occupational Therapy intervention Mr D was able to use a stair lift to get upstairs to his bedroom, transfer in and out of his bed and shower with minimal assistance from one carer, shower himself independently, using both hands to wash and dry himself. He is able to get himself drinks and make himself breakfast independently in the kitchen. He can also transfer into his armchair to watch the football, and change the channel using his remote, and make phone calls independently using his mobile phone. He has had his initial driving assessment using a modified vehicle and is awaiting further driving sessions to build up his confidence driving an automatic car with small adaptations.

"Since my injury OT has helped me adapt to how I undertake daily tasks and given me different skills and increased my confidence to move forward and regain some independence. They really have focused in on my fingers and hands making a difference in the tasks I can undertake"

Mr D, St Albans